Interior Business Signs
Interior Business Signs for the inside of your store, beauty shop, restaurant, law office, or whatever kind of business your run….are the perfect way to add professionalism to your business, letting your clients know they are in the right place to spend their money wisely.
Here at Pinpoint we make two different kinds of interior business signs: logo signs that are glued directly to the wall, and fully mounted business signs that you can hang on your wall using mounting hardware.
Here are examples of signs we have made in both categories.
For logo signs that can be glued to the wall, the preferred thickness is a little over 1/4 inch, so that the design stands off nice from the wall. Sometimes we make 1 inch thick.
This gold mirror interior business sign uses the company custom logo, and is a little over 1/4 inch thick.
This interior business logo sign is painted white. The client provided us with their logo. If you do not have a logo, we can make one for you, or you can choose from our preferred fonts (often for an additional fee).
A rustic wood interior business sign is perfect for this boutique clothing store. We laser cut this logo, and it is about 4 by 3 feet.
Mounted interior business signs have a different feeling for your space. In some instances, depending on the space your are hanging on, and the size of the sign, they may seem simpler to hang. They can also be more easily removed and taken to another location if needed.
We often mount business signs to acrylic of different colors (clear, frosted, white glossy, black glossy, or a custom color).
Here are example we have made of mounted interior business signs:
Interior business signs, using gold mirror on black glossy acrylic, using the client’s custom logo. This sign is 2 by 3 feet, a popular size.
Interior business sign in painted gold, matte black, and glossy white acrylic. This interior business sign is about 4 feet long. It is seen here on an easel in our studio….the client hung directly to the wall using sign stand offs in the corners.
Interior business sign for a hedge wall. This sign is mirrored gold on clear acrylic. The client mounted this acrylic bsuienss sign to their hedge wall.
Laser cut interior business signs we made for a hedge wall, 4 feet long, using gold mirror for the custom company logo for a photography business.
Contact us today to get a quote for your business sign!